Look what you did ya li'l turd!

Everyone knows Internet Explorer turns the internet into a steaming hot pile of smelly poo poo.
SF AIDS Foundation

We recently had the pleasure of collaborating with the hard-working folks at SFAF on an information campaign for a new method of protection against HIV. The FDA recently approved the use of anti-retro-virals (PrEP) as a preventative measure against getting HIV. The complexity of this method is intense, and developing clear communications is a big part of the challenge. We were hired to create an information-based website and marketing campaign that helps people easily digest the information around PrEP. Our audience was the gay communities in SF, and really—is there a more fun audience to communicate to?

We had a lot of fun creating a character inspired by 70’s porn, and using him as the protector of love-making. We drew iconic buildings from the Castro, San Francisco’s famous gay neighborhood, and anthropomorphized the AIDS epidemic with cellular monsters attacking the city. The concept here is that AIDS is still a big problem, but the fight continues to strengthen and change.

Check out the site at PrepFacts.org

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Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately IE doesn't do a very good job of displaying the internet.