Look what you did ya li'l turd!

Everyone knows Internet Explorer turns the internet into a steaming hot pile of smelly poo poo.

Wolf & Badger

Wolf & Badger is an innovative fashion boutique aimed at promoting young fashion designers by giving them affordable space to sell their work in Notting Hill. I Shot Him named the store, creating the identity, web presence and signage.

Pieces Created

  • website (when flash was cool)
  • Identity
  • Business Cards
  • Price tags
  • Store Signage
  • wallpaper

Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Identity sign on front of the store

Price tag

Business card

Signage in shop -image via fivefivefabulous.com

Site loader

About us

Transition image

Apply to Wolf & Badger


Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately IE doesn't do a very good job of displaying the internet.