Look what you did ya li'l turd!

Everyone knows Internet Explorer turns the internet into a steaming hot pile of smelly poo poo.

The Great Peace

We had a blast working with author Ryan George Kittleman on the artwork for his novel The Great Peace. Do yourself a favor and buy the book today! It’s a really fun and funny story that is sure to satisfy your every desire for banana boobs.

The Great Peace is described as: A small American city is under siege. A group of starving artists- led by a reclusive, sweatpants-wearing billionaire- are determined to overthrow the government by any means necessary. With little hope for peace, a neurotic young gadabout- fresh off a failed suicide attempt- takes it upon himself to save his hometown from ruin. Along the way he encounters revolutionaries, nitwits, weirdos, perverts, dreamers, and something called Danceramics. Humorous, absurd, and often profound, The Great Peace takes on art, politics, philosophy, and class with unflinching verve and wit.

Pieces Created

  • book cover design and illustration
  • book trailer animation

Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

book cover

title sequence for the book trailer

opening pose for “Danceramics”

gyrating pot making

close up

Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately IE doesn't do a very good job of displaying the internet.