Look what you did ya li'l turd!

Everyone knows Internet Explorer turns the internet into a steaming hot pile of smelly poo poo.

SF AIDS Foundation

I Shot Him collaborated with the SF AIDS Foundation to create a public health campaign for PrEP, a new HIV prevention approach for HIV-negative individuals. This campaign was created to inform San Francisco about the new medical offerings, and educate the public about the studies and facts surrounding PrEP.

I Shot Him created posters for bus stops and BART stations that directed folks to PrEPFacts.org to learn more about this advancement in HIV prevention.

Designed Pieces

  • bus stop posters
  • BART station posters
  • postcards
  • marketing materials
  • website

See for Yourself


Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Bus Stop Ad

Home page

Overview sections on home page

Icon set created for each topic on the site

Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately IE doesn't do a very good job of displaying the internet.