Look what you did ya li'l turd!

Everyone knows Internet Explorer turns the internet into a steaming hot pile of smelly poo poo.

Quake Quiz SF

QuakeQuizSF is a disaster preparedness site commissioned by the city of San Francisco. The site explores six different scenarios that one might find themselves in during an earthquake, and tests the user's knowledge about what to do to stay safe and unharmed.

The project is currently being featured at the California Academy of Sciences' Earthquake Exhibit: Life on a Dynamic Planet.

See for Yourself


Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Opening screen


What to do if you’re at the beach

What to do at home

What to do if you’re eating a burrito

What to do if you’re on a muni train

What to do if you’re at the beach

Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately IE doesn't do a very good job of displaying the internet.