Look what you did ya li'l turd!

Everyone knows Internet Explorer turns the internet into a steaming hot pile of smelly poo poo.

NYC Readiness Challenge

I Shot Him worked in collaboration with The Ad Council and The New York Office of Emergency Management to create an interactive education tool about preparing for disasters and learning about what to do during a disaster in New York City.

The site takes the user through six floors of an NYC apartment building. Each floor explores a different topic about disaster preparedness and asks the user to assist a New Yorker with a specific problem. After all floors have been completed, the user finds all of the characters safe and sound outside the bodega.

See for Yourself


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push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

New York Be Prepared — By I Shot Him

Lettering for the Loading Screen

Table of Contents Menu

Introduction to floor about staying informed during a disaster.

In Louie’s apartment the reader learns how to receive information during a blackout.

Yabo’s apartment features tips on contacting loved ones during a disaster.

Belinda’s apartment highlights what emergency supplies are needed.

Ella and Jonsie learn about family preparedness and emergency meeting places.

The animal’s apartment is about pet preparedness needs.

Virgil’s apartment covers tips for residents with special needs.

The ground floor shows all of the characters after they’ve made it safely through the storm.


Sharing is Caring

push one of these totally not dorky buttons and we will owe you one.

Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately IE doesn't do a very good job of displaying the internet.